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Trinity Fellowship of Saints


The creation and fall of man

After Satan was cast down from heaven, God decided to create mankind. The first person God created was Adam and later he created a wife for him called Eve. Both Adam and Eve were supposed to live in the presence of God all the days of their lives. However, only commandment that God had given to Adam was violated by Eve as she got deceived by the tricks of the devil. From then on, the world grew more sinful as days went by. God promised that he would send his only begotten son Jesus Christ into the world to save mankind.

The law of Moses

As a prelude to the arrival of Jesus, God gave the Israelites ten commandments by the hand of Moses to keep them. Not having been able to keep the commandments made the people to look for a Saviour. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem according to the promises of God, the people were ready to receive the Messiah as they were distressed by the Romans and their own individual problems such as sickness and bondage to evil.