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Trinity Fellowship of Saints


Satan and Demons

Satan was originally called as Lucifer when he was created as one of the angels in heaven of the highest order called the Cherubim. When Lucifer decided to be an alternate power to God, God overthrew him into the earth and since then, he has been designated as Satan.

Satan's Rebellion

The book of Revelation 12 provides us a glimpse of Satan's rebellion in heaven. He is termed as a red dragon who drew third part of the stars of heaven signifying other angels. After his overthrow, he took power from Adam and occupied the second heaven. He is now operating to destroy the people and works of God on the earth.

The defeat and destruction of Satan

After Jesus redeemed mankind through his death on the cross of calvary, he went down to hell and took the keys of death and hades and dislodged Satan from all his powers. The saints of God who are the followers of Jesus Christ are enforcing that victory here on earth to accomplish the salvation of mankind. After the second coming of Jesus to the earth, Satan will finally be destroyed in the lake of fire.